AIC Button Teaching Course

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Join us for an innovative course designed to improve the communication between pets and their parents! This engaging program focuses on the use of augmentative communication tools to help pets express their needs and emotions more clearly.

Through these sessions, you'll learn techniques to enhance your pet's understanding of behavior and feelings, fostering deeper bonds. By implementing these tools, you can reduce anxiety and stress for both you and your furry friend, creating a harmonious and joyful relationship.

Discover the joy of effective communication and transform how you connect with your pet for a happier, healthier life together!

What's included?

  • Intro to AIC - what is it and how can it be helpful?

  • Paw targeting, button setup, and how to begin talking

  • How to set up a button

  • Let's get started - Choosing your first words and learning how to model

  • Learn Common Button Training Mistakes

  • Learn how to teach time concepts such as "now", "later", and "all done"

  • Learn how to teach "Outside", "walk", and "Potty"

  • Learn how to teach Anatomy

  • Learn how to teach Locations

  • Learn how to teach concepts such as "stranger" and "noise"

  • Learn how to teach medical concepts such as "help" and "ouch"

  • Give your pets the ultimate way to advocate for themselves by learning how to teach emotions

  • Learn how to teach "yes" and "no"

  • Learn how to teach names of people and other pets

  • Learn how to teach "Love you"

  • Learn how to teach weather and temperature

  • Have access to personalized assistance from Flounder's mom if you need help troubleshooting along the way

  • Constant support along the way for your best chance of success!

  • Access to discounts on button purchases!

  • And more!